Outplacement & Careers Coaching
Looking for support or advice on your next career move? Let Memcom’s experts coach and guide you…

Coaching Programme

Redundancy Planning

Bespoke Solutions
When forced to make redundancies, one area you can’t afford to cut back is a career transition or outplacement services. Our outplacement service is a coaching programme designed to help any of your former employees quickly find future employment. We place a strong emphasis on building personal relationships with those whom we help, and our job-hunting and recruitment expertise minimises their fears, helping them bounce back quickly.
Our career coaches are empathetic, sympathetic and skilled. They quickly build a rapport that establishes trust and offer a range of expertly written guides and resources to improve confidence and get results.
The services we offer extend far beyond CV writing and interview techniques to support individuals. We also help organisations plan their redundancies, communicating changes and supporting remaining staff members to ensure productivity is high. We consult, plan, coach and manage, and provide bespoke solutions to assist you in your time of need.
Led by Julian Smith, Director of Memcom Executive, our tailored outplacement services are affordable and effective and will save you time, money and reputation.
I would highly recommend Memcom's outplacement services. Personally, I felt that Julian truly cared, adopting the values of our organisation and always going the extra mile. The participants also commented on the support he gave in helping them move forward and feeling positive about it. Practically, the quality of Memcom's supporting material was excellent and the support in a time of crisis made all the difference.
Get in touch today
For more information on our tailored outplacement services and how Memcom can help you, get in touch with Julian today.