Using AI to help you find your next job

10 February 2024 by
Memcom, Rachel Appleton

Through a suite of blogs the Memcom Recruitment team will explore how AI can be your secret weapon in the job application process, helping you stand out from the crowd in an increasingly competitive job market. The AI journey has just begun, and Memcom’s Director Julian Smith think you should embrace it!

AI tools can help you write your CV (as long as you’re aware of the limitations and implications), craft tailored cover letters, and even help with your interview preparation. In this first blog, Julian gives an overview of some of the many applications of AI in the job-hunting world of today…

1 - Job Searches:

Finding the right job opportunities can be a daunting task, especially when there are thousands of job postings online. The chances are, you already use AI-driven job search engines without knowing it: Indeed and LinkedIn, for example, help you filter through job listings based on your skills, experience, and preferences, and use machine learning algorithms to suggest relevant job openings, making your search more efficient and targeted.

2 - CV Writing:

Your CV (or resume) is often your first impression on potential employers. AI-powered CV-builders can help you create a professional and visually appealing document. These tools analyse your background and the job requirements, offering suggestions on how to improve the content and format. 

AI can also help identify key words and phrases that are relevant to the job description, improving your chances of passing automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by many companies. Tools like Rezi, CraftmyCV and ResyMatch can optimise your CV to ensure it gets the attention it deserves.

However, don’t rely purely on AI tools to do all of the heavy lifting, since nobody knows your experience quite like you do…so check for mistakes, ways to improve what the CV says about you and your skills and remember that whilst the bare bones of a CV can be created using tools, you’ll need to put in the finishing touches yourself. 

Also – and this is hugely important - be wary of what, if any, personal information you are sharing with the AI tools you’re using: read the terms and conditions first to check what happens with any data you’re submitting, and if in doubt put in false information you  can change at a later stage.

3 - Tailored Cover Letters:

Cover letters are an essential part of your job application and the biggest single mistake that candidates make is submitting a general cover letter for a specific role. Once again, AI-driven platforms like WriteSonic can assist you in generating personalised cover letters by asking you a series of questions about your skills, experience, and the job you're applying for. These tools use natural language processing (NLP) to create persuasive cover letters that cater to the specific needs of the job and company. 

Remember that although AI can be a brilliant aid, a smart candidate will still need to polish the resulting cover letter to truly tailor it to the job for which you’re applying, and an even smarter candidate will not share anything personal with the AI tools without first understanding the implications of doing so...

4 - Grammar and Spelling Checks:

For me, it’s all about the detail, and a well-crafted job application should be free of grammar and spelling errors. It doesn’t matter if spelling or grammar isn’t your strong point, since there are plenty of AI-driven proofreading tools, such as Grammarly, to help ensure that your application is error-free and professional.

5 - Interview Preparation:

Preparing for interviews can be tedious, but AI can help you by researching information online about a particular company or sector, help you find competitors or even come up with a list of questions (and the perfect answers) you could be asked at interview. 

So let’s face it, you’re probably already embracing AI in some aspects of your job search, but it could potentially be used to help you write job applications, create the perfect CV or cover letter, and even assist you with interview preparation and mock interviews. But while AI can be invaluable remember that it should complement, not replace, your own skills and judgment. Always review and customise any content generated by AI to ensure it accurately represents your qualifications and skill set, and remains on point. 

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, AI did a brilliant job helping me with the first draft of this blog article…but the finished article is definitely mine, and I didn’t have to share a single piece of personal data in return!

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